This is my brain. This is my brain after finishing my PhD coursework.
This is the third piece in my "brain on post-its" series. The other iterations are from the end of the last semester and the end of last year. The piles represent my stickies from circa 50+ books, countless articles, and grading (NB: this semester's is the largest). Post-coursework my graduate experience continues: I have to study for orals, write my prospectus, and then research and write my dissertation, but this is a momentous milestone indeed.
On tap this summer: prep for teaching photohistory in the second summer session at BU, work on a paper accepted to SECAC, and above all, reconnect with friends and family and take stock. It's been an instructive, productive, and wild ride!
In the better late than never category, if you are in Boston, do get out to the fab (and free!) Flash Forward Festival. There are many exhibitions, educational lectures and panels, and events to enjoy. I'll be there again today!
I am delighted to see so many photographers that I worked with or curated into physical or online exhibitions at the PRC be recognized in this terrific international format. It's so great to see them rise and gain many deserved accolades! If there is one snippet of advice I can give to photographers of all stripes--which was reiterated by the first noted below as well as many of the other panelists--keep making the great work that you do and it will come back to you - be true to yourself, be patient, and have faith!
Here is just a sampling...
On the Education side: - Chris Churchill was on a FFF panel and was featured in the group exhibition, DOCUMENT. So excited to see his great work in soon-to-be-published book by Nazraeli Press!