You can check out some of the student work at this audiovisual feature on BU Today. We gathered over a dozen images and students together and the nice folks there did their magic. Click here for the slideshow and here to listen to the students speak quite eloquently about their work. For local folks, there is also a smashing, full-page spread in the Weekly Dig.
Pictured above is the work of our poster child Alan Alan Arsenault, a junior at New England Istitute of Art. I was immediately smitten with this image and knew that it had to be on our postcard. People have been going ape over this picture and deservedly so, it's an amazing piece and series. If you look twice, you realize that this is not an Edgerton: the "bullet" is hanging on a string and there is cotton stuffed into the apple. We also took a lot of behind-the-scenes pictures, installation shots, and portraits of the students and posted them on the PRC flickr site.
Our Daily Red (the blog of Big Red and Shiny) gave us a shout out early on. Mr. Matt Nash points out that the PRC Student Show is "a great chance to see the work of upcoming artists -- and many of the artists we write about on Big RED got started at the PRC." Thanks Matt! (He also has a interesting essay on the future of photography in the current issue of BRS.)
Join us for the dry opening Thursday, February 7 from 5:30 - 7:30pm, where we'll have izzy drinks flowing freely and way more hummus than you can shake a stick at.
ABOVE IMAGE: Alan Arsenault, Exploding the Forbidden, from the series “Edgerton Follies,” 2006/2007, Inkjet print, Junior Photography major, New England Institute of Art
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